None of us felt like cooking on saturday night. Micah ate leftovers, and Nicole was "craving" cabbage. Apparently reading Angela's Ashes, a very sad memoir about a poverty stricken Irish family, made her hungry for cabbage. In the end we stir-fried it with sesame oil, soy sauce and sprinkled some sesame seeds on it, and it wasn't bad.
But when I saw that she was eating her cabbage with a glass of water and a celery stick on the side, I had to accuse her of being on a super-model diet. I mean, I know we're eating healthier around here, but for pity's sake! I miss my old tub-of-cool-whip-eating sister! Oh wait, we still eat cool-whip by the tub, never mind.
And I am soooo glad I did.
As I was pulling out of the parking lot to go home I noticed a little girl playing by the street near an apartment complex. This happens to be a pretty busy street that people drive way too fast on. She moved back from the street and I assumed that her parents must have called her, and I saw other cars slow down and look and then keep going. But as I was driving home I decided it didn't feel right, and I turned around and went back.
When I got back to the apartments, there she was again, right on the edge of the curb about to walk into traffic and no adults in sight. I ran over to her and asked her where her mom and dad were. She was only about 3, so she just pointed at the building. Then I noticed that she was barefoot, no coat and short sleeves, and it was 30 degrees outside and windy, not to mention late at night. She was freezing. I took her to my car, but I didn't want to put her IN my car in case somebody thought I was kidnapping her. Unfortunately, I didn't have my cell phone either. So I told her to show me where she lived and we walked up to the 3rd floor and I knocked on the door she pointed to. I could hear people inside but nobody answered.
At this point, I was pretty upset, and would have definately called the police if I'd had my cell phone. Instead I decided to walk to the nearby gas station with her and call from there. On the way a lady walked across the parking lot, who happened to be a neighbor, and I asked her if she knew where the little girl lived. She pointed to the same apartment and went up and banged on the door. This time a man answered and guess what??? He hadn't even known his daughter was missing.
He seemed genuinely happy to see her, and said he'd been back and forth doing laundry and hadn't noticed she was gone. I thought back to all the times Nicole had escaped from the house, so in the end I'm glad I didn't call the police. Honestly, if he hadn't seemed to care or if the little girl had acted wierd with him at all, I would have called anyway. I've done it several times before.
So that's our weekend in a nutshell: surviving an almost-blizzard, entertaining a sick baby, cabbage and cool-whip eating, rescuing random children, and all. And that folks, is domestic bliss.