Saturday, December 4, 2010


It's a Boy!

(Can he still wear a tutu? Just kidding....kind of).

I don't know what to do with a little boy, but I'll have to figure it out.

No matching outfits. I guess that's for the better.

Micah is afraid I'll turn him into a sissy by "coddling" him too much.

I won't have to fight him to untangle his hair every morning, that's a plus.

I'm a little nervous about the diaper changing, and things spraying around down there. I've heard stories. (Get a Wee Block right?)

There will probably be lots of injuries involving blood. I don't do blood.

But so much less drama.... No crying for days when the dog trips him?

I might actually have to use child locks this time around.

He'll break everything.

At least he won't be able to identify all of his emotions at the age of two and yell "I'm MAD at you mom!" Boys don't talk about emotions.

He'll probably make his big sister cry.

She'll probably deserve it.

And I have a legitimate reason to go shopping now!

Time to start thinking about names. We have a hard time with that one.

18 weeks to figure it out.

Oh boy, oh boy!


  1. WhooooHoooooo!!!!!! I am so excited for you! You'll be great!!

    (you will have to baby proof though!)


  2. OMGoodness! I am excited! HUGS HUGS
    A boy..another angle on how to spoil! I'll get a kid's western sadddle and guns too! Still has to wear a helmet tho. Oh..wait, that is good for Skylar too! All works for me! Foxhunting with Mimi! Hurry up and get here..ummm, no wait and I can be patient..Yes.. I will have to be!

  3. We just had a boy after our first born daughter. I thought I wasn't a boy kind of Mommy - but oh I am just head over heels for him.


  4. One of the best things about having a boy and a girl is the fall shopping for boys (all the cozy plaid and cordoroy, they look like mini daddies very quickly) and the spring shopping for girls (you already know how fun this is). I highly recommend Osh Gosh for boy stuff, durable and cute. I found my love for them when Riley was about one. Have I mentioned that I'm really excited for you!?!

  5. Oh, you'll be so great with a little boy!!!!! I think they're super fun! :) So happy for you guys!!!!

  6. Congrats! I have no advice to offer you in this area, but three of my friends were over yesterday who had girls first and then boys.They said there was just something different and special about the relationship with their little boy. Can't wait to see what name you choose. Boy names are hard!

  7. Congratulations! Boys are FUN! Good luck on choosing a name.... that was a hard one for us both times.

  8. Whoooo!!! Congratulations!! I can't wait to meet him! Now I can start shopping for overalls

  9. WOW! Congratulations to you and Micah!! Little boys are wonderful! I felt the same way when I found out I was having a boy after 2 girls. But I am happy to report that I have only been peed on once. :) You will love him and all of his energy. (and yes, you will need baby locks EVERYWHERE) The drama is almost the same. Pierce told me yesterday that I was a BAD MAMA and that Christmas was RUINED because he couldn't eat all of his advent chocolate in one sitting. But then he put on his baseball helmet and continued racing around the house. I am just so happy for you guys! Enjoy!!

    Brooke :)

  10. Yay! Boys are fun, don't worry about the little sprayer either. It isn't that bad. I would have to say that they are just really energetic and like to wrestle, ALOT! However, I never have used child locks and I am sure that he will love his big sister bunches. I am so excited for you all!

  11. Congratulations! How exciting for both of you! Boys are full of energy when they're young but they really are easier when they are older...SO much less emotional than girls...parenting teen boys has been pretty easy for me...I'm sure it will be much more difficult when Erica gets to be their age. So,enjoy your soon-to-be bundle of energy!! Aunt Raina



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