Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life according to Skylar.

Some thoughts Skylar has shared lately, usually spontaneous and unrelated to anything going on around her.....

On marriage: "I want to get married. I want to marry daddy. Cause he wants to marry me too"

On finding out daddy's already taken: "I know.....I have an idea! We could marry daddy together!"

On her youth: "When I was a little girl I liked milk. But now I only drink Chai. 'Cause I don't like milk. 'Cause I'm too big for milk. Chai is sooooo yummy."

On our house: "I don't like white. I don't want a white house. I want to paint it purple. Can we paint it purple? I want an upstairs porch on our house, 'cause we only have a downstairs porch"

On cow manure: "I smell pirate poop!"

On being told we have a two pet policy: "I know! Sabot could go live at the babysitter's house and then I can have a cat!"

On her baby brother: "I know! Finley could go live at my friend's house. 'Cause I don't want a boy baby, I want a girl baby."

On asking Jesus to live in her heart: "He said SURE!"

On wanting a snack: "I know! We could go to Dunky Donuts and get some baby 'nuts" (that would be donut holes)

On daddy coming home: "I'm going to wear a princess dress and dance and daddy is going to say "Oh Skylar, you look so pretty!!!!" and I'm going to dance...and wear a princess dress....and dance. 'Cause I like to dance. "Cause I'm a ballerina."

......And that is just a sampling of the conversation that fills every.waking.second of my days.

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