Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A tale of three golfers.

Skylar was given a hand-me-down bike from a friend, and this summer we've gotten into the routine of taking it for a daily spin down our street. To avoid crossing any busy roads, we stay on our block and pass exactly six houses. Then we are at the golf course at which point Skylar suddenly gets tired and drops her bike under the exact same tree every time.

It's pretty much the end of the ride.

Then if nobody is around and I tell her she can, she takes off and clmibs the "mountains" on the golf course. (The same "mountains" that become her sledding hills in the winter).

But if people are golfing nearby, then she drops her bike at Par 4 and sits on the bench and watches them tee-off. She's become a regular there. The golfers love her, and she loves them. She claps when they swing. They tell her how pretty she is. I roll my eyes say thank you.

Meanwhile Finley drools....

One day last week, she was perched on "her bench", wearing a tutu of course, when a gentleman offered her a golf ball. She ran over to the green and took it from him and said "WOW" with great reverance. Then he tried to give her a second golf ball. (I didn't let her take it).

A few minutes later another golfer asked Skylar if she would like a Tee for that golf ball. So she ran back up to the green and said "WOW!" again and then came back to show me. She whispered "I'm soooo lucky!"

Those two left and a few minutes later a third golfer came along. He saw Skylar on the bench and asked her if she would like to hit his ball for him. Would she ever! So she went running up to there for a third time and got a little golf lesson. She couldn't stop smiling and told me it was "the best day ever!"

The kindess of those strangers meant a lot to me because I know she's starved for male attention. Then I got to thinking......maybe if I set her up with a lemonade stand on the golf course she could start working and pay for college. They can't resist the tutu.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. How fun for her and how special to share this....Thank you...as always.
    I smile and sigh and wish I could run by and give you all a big hug and Kiss!



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