Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gettin' my sew on....

Our packers come one week from today. One week. We seriously just got here.

Apparently when faced with major life changes I feel the need to begin a dozen unnecessary projects. I did this with the last move too. I should have been scrubbing baseboards, but no...I was decoupaging magnets and making necklaces and hair clips for people. Stress=unreasonable need to make unnecessary crafts. It must be a coping mechanism.

It started again this week...........pillows, matching dresses for the cousins, and on and on.......
I have so many pillow ideas my head will explode if I don't start making them now. It's a matter of survival.Fortunately last night we had a bunch of crazies over and they saved me from another late night of sewing. Thomas and Margaret were in town, and my sweet friend Kate came over. Kate is my SC BFF--she and I have had a lot of fun these last 5 months and I'm really going to miss her! While the girls were having a pajama party, the boys were stretching........Micah loves to have Thomas stretch him out. It's their thing.
I know I'll end up doing what I always do, and about 24 hours before the movers get here I'll turn into a crazy person and get everything done at the very last minute. That leaves me 6 more days to live in denial.


  1. You are silly! I can't wait to start sewing myself! I'm sure your friend, Kate is going to miss you too! Miss you, dear friend!

  2. You need to open a boutique! Very very cute stuff!
    Is it that time so soon? The move?
    Love you...Can't wait for July!

  3. Jack cheering on Thomas or sympathizing with Micah. This looks like.... pain!



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