Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For all the stain-removing warriors.....

I mentioned in my last post that Cascade Complete (not the same as regular Cascade--the "Complete" part really does make a difference) was a good stain remover, and since Marie asked for more specific instructions and I have nothing better to do, I'm just going to blog it.

I'm a proud housewife. This is important stuff......right.....?

I got this tip from a dentist's wife who said her husband would come home with cement from doing fillings in his clothes, and this was the only thing that could get it out. I immediately went home and tried it on Skylar's clothes and it worked so well that I started pulling out all kinds of stained things and trying it. It worked for almost everything.

I buy Cascade Complete with Bleach for the dishwasher, so that's what I use on the clothes regardless of the color, and it has never bleached them. I've used the orange Cascade Complete too, and it works just as well. My point is: the "bleach" part is irrelevant, and it's never ruined the clothes.

I use the bathroom sink and wait until the water is steaming hot, then plug it and squirt some cascade in there to dissolve (a couple of tablespoons). It's important to dissolve the detergent before you add the clothes. I've applied it directly to the fabric before and the blue cascade will sometimes stain a light fabric blue, and then you've just replaced one stain with another.

After it's dissolved, I add the item(s) of clothing and leave it for a couple of hours. If I check it and I can still see the stain, I repeat the process and just let it sit overnight before washing it.

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