Friday, February 6, 2009

A few clips....

Skylar is doing lots of cute stuff these days, which kind of helps counteract her extreme neediness. If I so much as turn my back to her she bursts into tears. The entire time Micah or Nicole hold her she is reaching for me, whining, fussing, etc. She's perfectly happy being carried around in the sling all day....not so fun for me. I'm sure this stage will pass quickly. So to remind myself of how cute she is even though she is making me crazy, here are some video clips. (Just go to the very bottom and pause the music so you can hear).
Swim lessons: She took to the water like a minnow:)

Smacking her lips is the new thing. Anytime she eats or drinks anything she has to smack afterward and sometimes says "mmmm" along with it. Even in the middle of the night, half asleep, she smacks her lips when I feed her:)

Skylar loves to sing! She sings along and dances to whatever is playing.


  1. She is hilarious! What a character!

  2. Swimming one was adorable! She was kicking like crazy! How the heck did you get her to do that?

    I miss you guys so much....

  3. She is so cute kicking her legs so well in the pool! Hey, I'm moving out your way in 3 weeks. We'll have to get together!



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