Monday, August 17, 2009

Apparently summer is over.

I'm not ready.

Is it just me or is summer gone in the blink of an eye? I love summer. I love the long days and the warm weather and the green grass (as green as brown grass can be). I love summer fruit and swimming and sundresses. I love eating outside and the afternoon thunderstorms. I love that I'm not working and can enjoy all of it.

Except that everyone I know, including Micah, loves Fall. I don't hate Fall, it just seems kind of melancholy.

The leaves fall off and the trees look naked (they're already falling in my front yard, forget turning colors) and my brownish grass gets much browner.

I never liked going back to school growing up.....homework, getting up early, crappy sack lunches with fluffer-nutter sandwhiches and zig-zag cut carrot sticks (sorry mom). Just the thought of Skylar going to Kindergarten makes me want to curl up in bed with a bag of Reeses and cry for 2 days. (I actually considered homeschooling yesterday, before deciding on private school, just to keep her home longer.) And then there's football. Oh, the football. I will dutifully watch every televised Clemson game for one more season....but after this year, no more.

It seems like fall has arrived a bit prematurely. Since kids are all back in school this week, the weather took a cue and cooled way down. It's almost brisk. Instead of dreaming about pumpkins and apples, I'm actually kind of sad. This was our last Colorado summer and it lasted about 6 weeks. Okay, 8. Maybe.

In addition to the weather changing, Halloween decorations have been out since the 4th of July ended. And now tonight....the dreaded return of Monday Night Football. It's mid-august, it's still summer!!! Why???? WHY!!!!!

And so to keep the fun going (or as an act of rebellion) I bought a new pool yesterday. Partly because it was an end of summer clearance, and partly because Skylar's other pool popped and I feel like we should still be swimming until September 21st, the official end of summer. In the kitchen if necessary. I also bought her a new bikini because it's never too late in the season for cute new swimwear. Especially not for 60% off.

Even as I type this I'm hearing football in the background....but I'm going to go eat some watermelon and pretend like it's June. I'm not ready to let go.


  1. I have to admit....I'm one of those Fall Lovers! I absolutely love the cooler weather, especially since we are moving to hot and humid Texas soon! Sorry that summer is over for you...but keep the spirit alive!! =)

  2. ugh, i completely agree. fortunately, i live in tennessee, where summer is still going strong. woohoo!



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