Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chai nasty.

I made myself an iced chai latte today, my favorite drink next to diet coke, and decided to sit down and drink it while Skylar was having a snack. As soon as she saw my glass she wanted a sip. I should have known that would happen. I didn't feel like sharing, but how could I turn down this face?

Besides, I love the way her squishy little baby cheeks puff out when she uses a straw.

Then she started blowing bubbles in my glass and I was totally grossed out.

Needless to say, it was all hers after that.


  1. Hmmm... Who taught that child how to blow bubbles?

  2. Dude, it wasn't me! I'm blaming this one on GrandBabe!

  3. Wait.. I have not been there lately. I've seen evidence of two Aunties and an Uncle recently there...influencing her. Let's not forget Dad.. hmmm?
    Bubble blowing in a glass is not in the genes like rock collecting or loving riding ponies.. bubble blowing totally a learned behavior. Learning to have fun... giggle!
    The Days!!!! Counting! Counting!

  4. Keri, it was only baby drool! No germs in baby breath! Love that giggle.

  5. I love her pink ruffled sweater!!



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