Monday, November 30, 2009

Yeah right.

I retract my previous, more optimistic post. Moving IS stressful and it completely stinks. The cleaning team wasn't much help, and my arms still ache from painting and scrubbing. Oh, and it turns out I don't really like cleaning carpets that much after all.

In fact, making sure we meet all of the move-out requirements for the rental company ranks right up there with going to the dentist and having lots of cavities filled. Hmmmm....whine much?
We now know how good we had it when we moved out of military housing and it was a piece of cake.

On the bright side, we had yummy grilled and smoked turkey and lots of family fun and help with Skylar to ease the stress of the past few days.

Speaking of Skylar, she is enjoying some of the perks of being homeless and having distracted parents. Like today when she ate almost an entire bag of white Cheddar popcorn for lunch and washed it down with my diet coke when I wasn't looking.

She is also enjoying having her very own queen sized hotel bed with no less than five pillows.

Toddlers have all the fun.


  1. Contentment is wandering about with a bag of popcorn, pausing every two steps to cram your mouth full for two hours. She was hilarious!

  2. She is too cute!
    Glad you are done with that! Prayers for travel blessings!
    We love you and can't wait to see you!

  3. She looks so comfy and cozy in that hotel bed!! Raina



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