Monday, October 11, 2010

Party foul.

It's all fun and games until you sit in a giant pile of goose poop and find out your mom forgot to bring you extra pants........

That was a bummer. Poor baby. You'd never know just an hour before she was running laps around our hotel room naked as a jay bird happily yelling "I want to be naked!!! Being naked is awesome!!!"

Moral of the story: be careful what you wish for.

Lots more pics from our weekend getaway and no motivation. Maybe tomorrow.....


  1. That's pretty awesome - thanks for sharing! I'm glad that you guys had a great weekend.

  2. That face makes me so sad!! Break my heart...

  3. This is hilarious!(Don't tell Skylar Poppa is red-faced with laughter at her plight!)

  4. poor baby I wish i were there to comfort my baby. Mommy don,t do that to the dollbaby! love you Nana

  5. How have I missed your blog?!? This is great!



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