Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Rockland Bakery.

It has previously been established on this blog that:

1. The Austins are eaters.

2. We are also feeders, aka "food pushers"

3. We don't apologize for this, so just open your mouth and eat the food already. You don't have to be hungry, okay?

4. Bakeries are a BIG deal. We can sniff them out like blood hounds.

Enter the Rock-my-land Bakery.

The bakery to end all bakeries. A mecca of pastries, breads and all things delicious. Open until 10:30 pm.

So what to do on a Friday night after a couple rousing rounds of bowling?

Go to the bakery of course.

After putting Skylar to bed, and attempting to put Finley to bed, we piled into the car and took Bekah, Karen and our friend Justin to Rockland for the first time.

I had to document the occasion.

Please note the unbridled joy on Bekah's face.

Karen and Bekah were in the third row seat.

My dad drove with steely determination. Micah played music to get everyone pumped up. We relived past bakery experiences.

By the time we got there we were pumped up. Ready to pillage and plunder.

Do you hear the angels singing? I do.

First order of business, get those gloves on and get to the bread room ASAP. {Notice Micah playing it cool on the side}.

Bekah and Karen were giddy and unashamed.....

 Everywhere you look there are racks and bins of rolls, bread, bagels, pretzels, etc. Large machines spit them out fresh and warm and people just scoop them right up and put them in bags.

The choices are overwhelming.....

I could not believe there was a half-eaten loaf sitting on a rack. Shortly after I took this picture an elderly couple came over and finished it off. Who knows how many people shared it.

Behold the goods....

A little bakery lover in the making.....

Micah may have gotten carsick on the way over, but that was just a minor setback....

 Hello pastries, nice to eat you....

We got home, all grabbed forks and sampled everything.

The aftermath.....

Micah and I are currently hashing through a long list of job assignments to choose our next place to live. He thinks we should put all the jobs close to a Rockland bakery at the top of our wish list. That's how we make major life cream puff at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I am a little I am HUGELY jealous!! How have I been to Highland Falls numerous times and never been to Rockland bakery?

    I don't know if I told you about going to the Dutch bakery with my 3 roommates. I was of course beside myself with excitement. Had anticipated meeting this bakery for months before actually going.In true Austin fashion I filled by bag with half a dozen items...two of my roommates did not get a single thing...what?Let me repeat that...they...did...not...get...a single thing. How can that be? I don't really know, I obviously went with the wrong people.

    Thanks for the funny post. Nic



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