Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beyond the pictures and projects.

It occured to me the other day that if you regularly read my blog you might think my daily life consists of fresh cut flowers, hosting family get-togethers, decorating, crafts, baking, and taking pictures of my photogenic daughter. It probably looks really easy and happy and fun.

Of course those things are all part of it. But only because that's the part I blog about. So is that my real life?

Well, yeah....right now my life is pretty easy and fun. But that's all going to change soon.

I know a lot of my mom friends are maxed-out and frazzled. You feel like you can barely breathe, let alone try a new recipe, paint a room or sew throw pillows just for the fun of it. So if you read my blog and feel like you can't relate, or mistakenly think that I have it all together, I apologize. I don't.

Hopefully you don't feel that way, but I felt like saying that just in case. Not because I think anybody out there wishes they were me, but because I know that most women (myself included) tend to compare themselves, and that's especially true for us moms. There will always be someone thinner, funnier, more patient, more creative, more spiritual, etc. than us. But that would be a whole other blog topic.

We all go through times where we are just exhuasted by life.

Obviously a blog isn't a full account of life, just "a snapshot" of what's happening. I don't spend all day doing fun things.

BUT the fact of the matter is, I DO have a lot of free time right now. I have ONE child not two, three or four. And she sleeps 11 hours at night (although not uninterrupted!) and takes nice long naps. I am fortunate to not have to work outside the home. I also have a husband who currently works 7 days a week, often 12 or 14 hours a day in preparation for deployment. So I have a lot of time to myself--naptime and many hours in the evening to do whatever I want.

So I fill my days with playdates and activities to keep Skylar entertained, and I entertain myself by taking pictures of it all. (Ask anyone who knew me 5 years ago--I never had a camera or took a picture of anything. Don't feel bad if you don't take 100 pictures of your child every week).

Given the choice I would prefer to live in a house half this size and have a husband who comes home at 6 pm for dinner every night, or even to be 6 months pregnant and exhausted like I could be.

I recognize that our family is in the calm before the storm right now and that this is my downtime. (Although I am already feeling like a single parent. Skylar is lucky if she sees her daddy before she goes to bed at night). Because "the beast" is lurking on the horizon.

That's how I refer to deployment in my head-"the beast".

It's sort of the grown-up equivalent of being a little kid and having a monster in your room--an anxiety inducing, sleep robbing, monster. I know it's there waiting for me, and all I really want to do is hide under the covers. But that won't make it go away. I have to grab this beast by his horns and deal with it. The anticipation might be the worst part--knowing that something horrible and difficult is coming our way soon.

So I accept that my husband will come home from work at 9:30 pm on a sunday. Or that after working 17 hours yesterday, he still had to be in by 5 am today for a meeting. Deployments are really a year plus the 2 months leading up to them. There's no point in fighting it, because I can't change it.

I promise I'm not complaining. It's our turn for a deployment. We've been fortunate, and many of my military friends have been through far more than I have.

Just know that soon I'll be feeling maxed out and exhausted knowing that the daily grind of raising Skylar and taking care of everything at home will not relent for a year.

But for now, I'm enjoying knowing that my husband is only 30 minutes away instead of 3 days away, even if we rarely see him.

And that is the rest of the story:)


  1. I love you, girl! It's very true that we often compare ourselves, I find myself doing it everyday, especially being a Mom (I've gotten better =)
    Enjoy Micah, as I know you are! We are all here for you when "the beast" comes in a few months. BTW, I love the name-so true! And yes-the months leading up are almost the worst. I really hope Micah has some down time soon! Praying for you guys!!

  2. Well said...well said...

    The deployment part: and it helps us to know how to pray for you and all the military families.
    I know many people can relate on a level to that feeling of "foreboding"--the Beast. It is like when your mother/dad is ill or a child/family member/friend has a serious or terminal illness. Or the pet is getting worse and worse with the arthritis and you know you have to make a decision to be humane to the animal. You look around and life is going on and you feel trapped/frozen in a time zone. You want out..But because we have the Faith, we know we are not there alone and Psalm 23...He comforts me. And those prayers of the many, they bring His Peace.

    HUGS and prayers and know that you are loved. Thanks for sharing.

    You are so me!


  3. I never thought you had a cupcake life.

    you're beautiful. And I happen to really appreciate the beauty and creativity your blog brings into my frazzed life!

  4. Just want you to know that I love you!

  5. You're a trooper. You'll handle this deployment with the same grace you did the last one, only you'll be hanging out with Skylar instead of your group of pals. We're praying for you....

  6. Your blog doesn't seem to like me leaving comments (it always freezes up on me) but I'll give it another try:

    I love reading about your crafty endeavors and decorating ideas because I know you well enough to know how much you love doing that stuff. It's fun for a girl to read about her friend using some of her gifts and talents that bring joy. I mean c'mon, you were sewing curtains and pillows when we lived together in Manhattan 8 years ago! You have always had a knack for creating. I don't think you ever pretend to be someone you're not and you better not change anything about this blog.

    As far as deployments, I really wish Micah didn't have to go. It just breaks my heart that all of these moms and dads have to leave their families for a year...multiple times! I wish you didn't have to go through this. I know you can get through and I am hoping that even though you will have a Skylar to take care of 24/7 that she can provide some added comfort and joy to you. I hope you will make some trips back to Kansas. :) Love you Keri.

  7. Dear Keri,
    I came to play your lovely music for the children as I pay bills and do quicken. As you know I saw your blog through my dear Amanda's "blogs that she follows" list and I have come back from time to time to see your crafts, your pictures, and recipes, and other good things.
    Today I read your latest post.
    And I sit and think...
    I doubt that at some point, there is a military wife that has not felt what you shared.
    I too stay at home full time. And enjoy greatly the things you blog about and have fun doing.
    For myself, I have friends and family members that applaud my staying at home, the things I do, how I care for my family AND I have friends and just a couple family members that sadly feel I need to "get a job".
    What do I think about this...and what I think about the crafts, the decorating, the cooking, and your joy of cherries...well that 1. the military is not a "normal" life and it requires special care and 2. I have a job and so do you and it is an important one. I am the CEO of HOUSECOM. And we don't function without me. Nor would your family without YOU!
    If you weren't doing what you do and doing it WELL, your husband could NOT serve his country in the capacity he is. Whether officer or enlisted, our servicemen and women work long hours and travel at a moments notice. They sacrifice much. And you do as well. So does your daughter. It is living with a servants heart, every day, for your whole family, not just your husband.
    My husband is on sea duty and made LCDR this year. This is a Major in your ARMY speak and while I know of a few people that think that he is just a well paid officer and I have a cushy officer's wife life. This is what I know about the cushy life...he has served our country for 10 plus years. He has a bachelors, a masters, and does his job really really really well. He is a mentor. He is my hero. And he gives his best and is showing our children how to do the same. He too will deploy and that "beast" is approaching. And in the meanwhile there are workups and our calendar is marked with more days "out" than anyone can imagine. The cushy life also includes a 3 a.m. alarm 5 days a week and him leaving by 4:00 and working till 6:30 at night, olus every 6 day a duty night and not coming home at all. It is an ever changing schedule. It is meals on the ship if we are to see Daddy some weekends and it is him barely making it home some nights for "tuck in time" books and prayers.
    And...if I was not at home there would be no meals, no groceries, no bill paying, no laundry done, no pressed uniforms, no adopted dogs, no family, and no joy.
    We live enjoying every moment together knowing that they are few and far between, they can end at a moments notice, and for some they end permanently, all too soon.
    So while your family serves our great country and serves our God...enjoy your home, enjoy the growth of your child, marvel in your meals, and mark on the calendar when the cherries are in season! And make no apologies!
    These are the things that make not just a living but a life!
    Military life is a life with many sacrifices, it should not be without love, fun, and joy.
    What you do for your husband, your child, your family, your friends, is a better could your life be spent than this?
    Bake, sew, cook, blog, craft on, serve those you around you, do what you do with love, and help your husband to serve his country the very best he can.
    Applause to you Keri! And the view of your "fun" life full of fun things...well, few women could do it and go at it alone a great deal of the time and still be standing at the end of the our the end of the pier waiting. Where my husband knows I and the children will always be! It takes a lot to do what you do, enjoyable beautiful things along the way - EARNED!

  8. Wow, thanks everyone for the encouragement!

    Becky- You should be a motivational speaker:)Thanks for sharing that, you're absolutely right and it's so good to hear. And congrats on the new baby!



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