Monday, August 2, 2010


In case you were wondering (and I know that you weren't)......

Potty training is going really well at our house.

Skylar is really motivated. She wants to be just like the big kids.



  1. Are you really sure you want to even blog about this? Are you aware of the sheer amount of blog comment fodder you will receive? Do this, do that, don't do that, don't even think about doing that, "oh our kid was potty trained at 9 months". :)

    Let me just tell you this: I shed tears over potty training. It was a waste of my perfectly good tears that could have been shed over much more important things (like reality tv). Addison eventually caught on.

  2. I agree with Marie, every kid is different. They catch on when they want, if you push them they run away. You wait, they is just a battle.

    Skylar will do fine and she will let you know when it's time. Don't stress out about it. It isn't like she will be going to Preschool in diapers, she will get it before then. Hang in there, you can do this and so can she! :)

  3. Uncharacteristically, I do not even have two cents to offer...

    Our potty training was a DISASTER. MANY MANY MANY tears shed here. Drew finally potty trained about two weeks before he turned four. Cooper turns 3 in three weeks and we haven't even attempted it. After the Drew disaster, Cooper may just have to do it himself.

    I've sworn off potty training.

    Good luck to you though. ;)

    [BTW - nice new blog header]



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